Sunday, March 22, 2009


As I make all the necessary practical preparations for Mozambique, God has been continually and gently reminding me to place spiritual preparation in first place. Why do I want to go to Africa in the first place? God is omnipresent, and my greatest desire is to fellowship with Him. However, I have many props and distractions in my comfortable life which can easily get in the way of seeking Him first. I want to live the sermon on the mount lifestyle!!! To store up treasures in heaven, to not waste my life energies on that which will not endure. I want to find my happiness, like the Mozambican Christians I hear about, by following Jesus prescription in Matthew which stands out to me is "Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for THEY WILL BE FILLED."

Although oftentimes their stomachs are not filled with food, certainly not as much or often as we are accustomed to, their joy is deep and lasting as they feast on the inner righteousness Christ offers! Lord, that I too may learn the secret to be content whatever outward circumstances I encounter in this life!

This is my first prayer request.

My second is that I may be filled with Christ's love so that it overflows on those I encounter and I am empowered with the grace to serve others sacrificially. I love my way. I love being comfortable. I like the easy road. But Christ's love compels me! He says, there is a better way. He says, be filled by pouring out freely that which I have given you. Encounter me as you serve your brother. His love reveals that my way will not leave me satisfied.

Again, is this not something that I could learn here? One of the greatest reasons I am going to Iris Harvest is that the testimony of Roland and Heidi Baker is such that I desire to be discipled by them. I want to learn to pour out freely my life's energies as they have.

When we think about missions, too often we think about converts. Jesus did not ask us to make converts, He asked us to make disciples. And yet how many intentionally disciple other believers unto maturity? The Western church is full of believers with fire insurance, drinking milk and spiritually bored, bickering and wasting time. There are young people meeting Christ who DESIRE to be discipled, to be led down Christ's narrow and radical path, but there are few more mature believers stepping up to the task. As a member of the younger generation, I ask, I beg, "Challenge us!" We don't want to waste our lives playing games. Let us discover a Lord more fascinating than anything put out by our consumer, entertain-me driven culture! Let us discover a Bridegroom with fiery love, jealous for our affections! Let us discover a King who leads in righteousness and justice, who inextricably links relationship with Him to our treatment of the poor, neglected and abused. Let us discover a Savior and a mission, a great co(operative) -mission, worth giving our lives. I want to run in ministry with Christ because He has drawn me in intimacy, and I desire the whole earth to know the peace and grace found in Him. Let us become believers whose highest aim in this life is to grow in love and meekness. Let me.

These are the prayer requests of my inner man.

Other prayer needs:

*That I will trust God for His leadership in my life, especially in the area of financial provision.

*Financial provision.

*That I will discern the leading of the Holy Spirit as I prepare some sermons to have ready.

*For God to empower me with administrative skills so nothing slips between the cracks.

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